Pink Lady® Apple a Day
The first prize in the Pink Lady® Apple A Day 2022 category went to Amanda Farnese Heath with Autumnal Woodland Apple Party. Each year we look for the most exciting, creative, inventive and beautiful images of Pink Lady® apples for the Pink Lady® Apple a Day category; this year we have another year of incredible entries so thanks to all that entered.
The Story Behind The Winning Entries
"Autumnal Woodland Party" - Amanda Farnese Heath

"I used to get so excited as a child when we were treated to a toffee apple on special occasions. I remember the stickiness and awkward way you had to bite through the hard toffee, and then the explosion of crunchy, juicy apple filled your taste buds with joy! So i decided to re-create that memory with a Woodland Tea party for a bunch of young guests.
I asked a group of children what their ultimate 'Tea Party' table would look like. 'Toffee apples and cake' was their reply. So I set to designing a Woodland Tea Party table laden with sticky pink lady toffee apples and some seriously good apple cake. I simply sketched out my idea of the table and then sought out the right props needed to create the right look and feel.
Once I had found the perfect woodland location, I found a flat spot nestled in amongst the the boughs of and old oak tree, it was perfect! I picked a day where the weather was fair and arrived with a van load of toffee apples and props to style the table. The guests arrived a little lady and were guided through the trees to the table.
Once they were seated I photographed them from a distance so as not to intrude on the occasion. The most magical part of the day was seeing their faces light up when they first set eyes on the feast.
Not one pink lady toffee apple remained at the end of the day."
"So Near and Yet So Far" - Daisy May Defined

Bramble and Woody are our two much loved clumber spaniels who keep close watch on all kitchen activity. The scene here happened naturally as I had unpacked my shopping and put the apples to one side for photographing without realising what a tease it was to the dogs. It just had to be captured! Thankfully they both waited patiently for the photo to be taken and were then rewarded with a well-deserved treat.
I spent several years suffering with anorexia and an overriding fear of food. Yet food photography helped in my recovery by seeing food in a different way behind the lens. Now as a creative food photographer I love to create scenes that tell a relatable story like So Near and Yet so Far.
"Mirror, Mirror" - Nannette Parker

I was inspired by the classic fairy tale's but wanted to use apples instead of people. The story is still as relevant today as it was way back when…what we see in the mirror is sometimes not what we see in reality.

Paul Steven

Margaret Jaszowska
Take me to the River

Diana Kowalczyk

Daisy May Nixon
Hard Core 2
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